HomeVault values your time. That’s why we developed the Guaranteed Income Plan, the perfect tool to free up your schedule, avoid rental income fluctuations, and make your rental property a continuously profitable investment.
Consistent Monthly Rent. No Additional Expenses. Guaranteed.
Benefits of the Guaranteed Income Plan compared to traditional property management
HomeVault Guaranteed Income Plan
✔ Guaranteed, consistent rental income irrespective of what happens on our end!
✔ You save precious time and can take care of the important things in your life.
✔ Your house is protected. We handle everything from sub-tenants to repairs.
✔ Your property keeps producing money and you can sell it when the market conditions are favorable.
✔ You may be eligible for benefits on your rental income tax payments.
Traditional Property Management
✘ Fluctuating, unpredictable rental income depending on various factors.
✘ Vacancies, sensitive decisions, and non-cooperative tenants can take up a lot of your time.
✘ You will need to pay utility and maintenance bills for any repairs done on your property.
✘ There are no guarantees to the profitability of your property at any given moment.